(この記事は、「札幌英会話ニュースレター #9」の英語訳です。)
‘Soon Nakajima koen.’ X 😢
English speakers coming across either of these Sapporo subway signs might well wonder, ‘Soon Nakajima koen what???’ 😱
I’ve ridden on subways and trains around the world, but until I came here I’d never come across any with signs using this English phrase 🙄
English is in many ways a very logical language. When you’re trying to come up with a sentence in English, the main thing you have to do is to state clearly a subject and a verb. In situations where the subject of the sentence is obvious, you can abbreviate it or leave it unstated. But if you start leaving out the verb, we won’t understand what you’re talking about 🙄
If it’s hard for people to come up with the appropriate English translation for a simple phrase like the one in these subway signs, imagine how convoluted they can get for longer sentences.
For the price of a few beers, I’d be willing to correct any English sign here in Sapporo. Just give me a shout and I’ll fix whatever kind of sentences you’ve got ✨
―> Arriving at Nakajima Park √ 😇
Watch the video here.
On the North-South Line of the Sapporo Subway 📸
Sapporo English Conversation Newsletter
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